Things to Keep In Mind While Shipping Fragile Items

Last Updated:
February 6, 2023
Things to Keep In Mind While Shipping Fragile Items
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Shipping fragile items requires extra care and proper packaging. Choose a box that is only slightly bigger than the item, use cushioning, and add a "Fragile Item" label.
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Things to Keep In Mind While Shipping Fragile Items

Shipping fragile items comes at a greater cost than shipping products that aren’t prone to damage. When shipping fragile items, you’re essentially taking a chance because you can’t be sure whether they will make it to the recipient in one piece or not. That’s why you must be extremely careful while packaging fragile items for shipping.

If you want to ship fragile items but are reluctant because of possible breakage, you must learn how to package the items. Let’s look at some things you must keep in mind while shipping fragile items.

Before we go ahead and talk about packaging, it’s crucial to know what items are most likely to suffer breakage during fulfillment. Items that are most prone to damage during shipping are products made of porcelain, glass, or crystal. However, you must remember that any and all items can break and get damaged during the shipping process.

Let’s look at some tips to prevent breakage while shipping fragile items.

Shipping Fragile Items

The first and foremost factor that will decide whether your products make it through the trip is the packaging. When you’re packaging fragile items for shipping, it’s important to be extra vigilant. Here are some tricks to keep in mind while shipping fragile items.


The first thing to do is to choose the right box. Use a box that won’t have a lot of empty space after the item is placed in it. This means you need a box that is only a tad bigger than the item itself. If the box has a lot of space for the object to move around, there’s a high chance of breakage.

The next thing to do is find the right cushioning for the item. If you’re shipping glass items that are not encased in a suitable box and are kept loose, then you will require a lot of cushioning. You can use packing peanuts, foam, or air pillows. First, place the padding material on the bottom of the box.

Then, place the item in the box and make sure that the item is not making contact with the bottom of the box. Once you’ve kept the item in the box, fill the rest of the space with more cushioning.

After you’re done packing, it’s time for a few final touches. Add a “Fragile Item” label on the box. This will make sure that it’s handled properly by delivery executives. You can use multiple labels on all sides of the box to ensure that it doesn’t go unseen. However, remember not to cover the shipping label.

If you’re shipping fragile items like glass perfume bottles or containers, you can get some boxes with custom inserts. This will require a lot more monetary investment from your side, but it will make sure that the items stay in place. If you’re shipping lightweight jewelry, you can use padded paper or recycled bubble mailer. This is especially useful if the items are thin and delicate.

Drop Test

When you’re shipping fragile items, it’s important to see for yourself whether your products will make it or not. You can perform a drop test before shipping your item to be certain that it won’t break. For performing a drop test, you can throw the packaged item in the air and then let it hit the ground. Pack fragile items in such a manner that they survive the drop test.


What are fragile items?

Fragile items are those items that are prone to breakage. For example, products made out of glass, porcelain, and crystal are fragile items.

How do you ship fragile items?

The most important thing to keep in mind while shipping fragile items is the packaging. Your packaging must be solid and secure to make sure that the items don’t break. Some carriers provide a special service for handling fragile items. For example, USPS currently provides an option for carrying fragile items that costs $12.15.

How much does it cost to ship fragile items?

The cost of shipping fragile items depends on the carrier you choose. Shipping services like UPS and FedEx don’t charge extra for shipping fragile items, but USPS does.

In a nutshell, shipping fragile items can feel overwhelming if you’ve never done it before. If the item breaks while in transit, you must bear its cost. That’s why it’s crucial to make sure that it’s packed properly.

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Benjamin Hayes

Benjamin Hayes is a respected thought leader in the field of logistics, known for his expertise in supply chain management and global transportation. With a career spanning two decades, Benjamin has worked with multinational corporations to develop comprehensive logistics solutions that drive profitability and enhance customer satisfaction. Benjamin writes for Shipixy blog as a freelancer, where he shares his wealth of knowledge, offering practical guidance on optimizing logistics networks, managing inventory, and leveraging technology for competitive advantage.

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