5 places to get small and cheap shipping boxes

Last Updated:
March 9, 2023
5 places to get small and cheap shipping boxes
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Looking for affordable and sturdy shipping boxes? Check out Amazon, Walmart, eBay, Packagingsupplies.com, and Staples for a variety of options.
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5 places to get small and cheap shipping boxes

Shipping supplies are expensive; yes, we know that. And that’s why we have curated a list of 5 places where you can find cheap but sturdy shipping boxes that get the work done. It's affordable and easily available as well!

Types of shipment boxes available

Before we go any further, let’s see the shipment box options available out there:

Corrugated cardboard boxes

Almost all shipping agencies welcome corrugated cardboard boxes as they are easily available and sturdy enough to withstand short to moderate journeys. When you hear the name cardboard box, you automatically think of cuboidal boxes. Well, the good news is it is available in almost all different shapes, like tubular and even triangular boxes! Though these aren’t as available as the cuboidal ones, you can even get it custom-made to fit your product.

Specialized boxes made for moving

Specialized moving boxes are those created for housing delicate items like consumer electronics (TV, fridge) or glassware. These boxes are to be custom-made as per the dimension of the items and will help to keep the product in place when it's packed with proper cushioning foam inside.

Insulated boxes for shipping

Insulated boxes are a lifesaver for shipping perishable goods like food items. These are basically cardboard boxes with an added layer of Styrofoam protection that help retain ideal temperatures to preserve the food. Custom-made insulated boxes can also be found, and these are great for shipping medical kits or even candles over longer distances

Where to buy the shipping boxes

Here’s where you can buy cheap shipping boxes:


Amazon is literally a lifesaver when you want to buy some cheap yet moderately-good quality packing supplies. The Amazon store consists of a number of vendors that deal with shipping boxes, and can present you with over 100 results in just a click. You can apply the filters and then find the ones that best suit your products and your overall budget.


If you are looking for cheap shipping boxes, then don’t forget to drop by Walmart to see if they have any on offer. Often, Walmart gives some amazing discounts and honestly, it's too good to pass. You can get 25 corrugated cardboard boxes of dimensions 10X6X4 for about $18 dollars. If you are too lazy to pick it up, double the quantity get free shipping for orders above $35!

eBay shipping supplies

eBay has a separate section for shipping supplies, and that is a holy grail for small businesses. However, these supplies have the eBay branding. But hey, as long as the product reaches the customer in safe hands and you don’t spend a fortune on packing materials, it's a win-win, right?


The best part about this platform is that you get the packing supplies at wholesale pricing. That is going to be cheaper than what any other e-commerce platform has to offer.

They have a huge variety of boxes, and you can customize these boxes to meet your product’s requirements. As they specialize in shipping supplies, their cardboard boxes are always of top-notch quality.


Even though Staples specializes in offering office supplies, they do have a variety of shipping boxes. They also happen to have in-house experts that give the best packaging advice. If they find out that your product needs custom packaging, they are happy to create it for you! The prices are reasonable, and you can get good quality shipping boxes that are custom-made for your products. Definitely, one of the best places to get your shipping supplies.

Final Thoughts

Packing and shipping your product is as important as your product itself.


Because if you don’t pack it well, the product might not retain its original quality, or even worse - fail to reach the customer. Therefore, it's essential to look for the quality of packaging material along with its price.

With that said, the above 5 options offer affordable yet sturdy boxes that can definitely last long distances. Good luck with finding the right packaging that suits your budget and brand!

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Benjamin Hayes

Benjamin Hayes is a respected thought leader in the field of logistics, known for his expertise in supply chain management and global transportation. With a career spanning two decades, Benjamin has worked with multinational corporations to develop comprehensive logistics solutions that drive profitability and enhance customer satisfaction. Benjamin writes for Shipixy blog as a freelancer, where he shares his wealth of knowledge, offering practical guidance on optimizing logistics networks, managing inventory, and leveraging technology for competitive advantage.

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