Shipping bags for clothes - 5 options to choose from!

Last Updated:
February 24, 2023
Shipping bags for clothes - 5 options to choose from!
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Choosing the right bag for shipping clothes can make a big difference in the unboxing experience for customers. Options include poly mailers, recycled paper covers, custom decorated poly mailers, cardboard boxes, and cloth bags.
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Shipping bags for clothes - 5 options to choose from!

Sipping clothes isn’t difficult, but finding the right bag to put your clothes in is. Many times, people just buy a random clear bag and pack the clothes in it and ship it off. While the clothes might sustain damage, it gets all wrinkly and destroys the pure joy that a customer gets while unboxing them. Many like to put it on as soon as they open the cover.

But the whole first impression is ruined when the cloth comes out like it was just whirled in a dryer. What can you do to avoid it? Here are some clothing bag options that you can use to give your clothing shipments a makeover and create a good first impression on your customers.

Poly Mailers

The most commonly used shipping bag for clothes is the poly mailer bag. It is made of plastic, can be easily sealed, and is opaque, thereby not revealing the contents inside.

It's quite durable and doesn’t easily tear, and provides somewhat protection to the clothing fabric. They are also quite cheap and can be bought in bundles. Since they are quite common, you can easily get them from your local stores or buy them from Amazon.

Recycled paper covers 

If you are a sustainable brand and want to minimize your plastic consumption, you can go for recycled paper covers or bags. These are basically large envelopes, and you can even use hot seal glue to seal them tight, giving a customized touch.

Since these covers are made of paper, you will have to wrap the clothes with a cushioning material to protect them against any accidental tears. Also, you should make it a point toy inform the courier services to keep it away from moisture-wicking materials or liquids.

Recycled paper covers are comparatively pricier, and most of them don't come with self-adhesive stickers. Therefore, you will have to reinforce it with tape.

Custom decorated poly mailers

If you aren’t a fan of plain old poly mailers, you can get them customized online or buy printed poly mailers that best suit your brand's aesthetic. Not only does it make your packing stand out, but also creates a great first impression on your customers.

However, these covers can be more expensive and harder to find than the plain poly mailers. Moreover, it might be difficult to find the right colored poly mailer for your brand.

Cardboard boxes

If you specialize in clothes that are puffy or huge and will lose texture when crumbled or compressed, then using a cardboard box would be a wise choice. Place a simple, thin paper between the clothing pieces and place the stack of clothes you want to ship inside the cardboard box. To ensure that you don’t damage the texture of the clothes, opt for a cardboard box that is bigger than the stack/pile of clothes. This way, the clothes reach the customers in their authentic form without any notifiable wrinkles or damage.

With that said, you might have to get custom cardboard boxes if you want to fit the clothes the way we just mentioned. Another trick would be to make any three sizes of box and invest in some good cushioning or filler materials.

Cloth bags

You can also pack clothes in cloth bags. The popularly used materials are nylon, satin, and cotton. Nylon and satin prevent the clothes from damage, creases, and textural alterations. While these can be expensive, it truly adds to the unboxing experience. You can even print the customer's name on it and provide an ultra-customized experience. The main advantage of these bags is that they can be reused, and you can safely store the clothes in it.

To sum up

Choosing a bag/cover for your clothing products totally depends on the type of clothes you deal in and your budget. While satin or even silk bags are kind of popular with luxury brands, poly mailers still appear to be the wiser choice for small businesses, owing to their availability and affordability.

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Emily Fletcher

Emily Fletcher is a renowned logistics expert and author, with over 15 years of experience in the industry. With a passion for optimizing supply chains and streamlining operations, Emily has helped numerous businesses achieve significant cost savings and improved efficiency. Her expertise lies in creating innovative logistics strategies tailored to the unique needs of each organization. As part of Shipixy’s Digital Marketing team, Emily provides practical insights and actionable advice to guide professionals in the logistics industry toward achieving operational excellence.

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