3 Reasons to start sending your customers "Thank You" gifts - and 5 ideas to get started

Last Updated:
April 17, 2023
3 Reasons to start sending your customers "Thank You" gifts - and 5 ideas to get started
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Thank-you gifts for customers increase loyalty, show appreciation, and keep business relationships alive. Engravings, extra products, vouchers, and chocolates are great gifting ideas.
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3 Reasons to start sending your customers "Thank You" gifts - and 5 ideas to get started

Thank-you gifts for customers are not a new thing. Brands and companies have been doing it for years, and it has statistically proven to increase brand loyalty. Many companies choose to reward or surprise their customers during the Thanksgiving - Christmas season or when it is the customer’s birthday or important anniversary.

Here are four reasons why you should consider gifting your customers:

Keeps business relationships alive

When a customer purchases from your brand, a new relationship is born. If you wish to retain it, you will have to put in some effort. A good Thank you gift is a great way to show the customers that you value them.

You can either send them on their birthdays or during the gift-giving season. If you feel that your business can't bear the additional shipping cost, you can include a heartfelt note and the gift along with their next purchase package. Surprise giftings are always the sweetest as the customer gets it unexpectedly, and they get the feeling that you are always grateful for them.

Improves loyalty

Sending customers a gift on a special occasion or even a surprise gift goes a long way. It shows them that you value their contribution to the growth of your company. This triggers loyalty, and they will definitely keep your small dedication in mind when they go shopping again.

Sending your customers a Thank you gift is one of the proven ways of increasing customer retention rates. As you might already know, retaining a customer is more beneficial and easier than gaining a new one.

Shows appreciation

When you send a “Thank you for doing business with us” note and a gift, it is beyond those words and the material gift. It shows that you are willing to go the extra mile just to show the customers how thankful you are.

It could be your PR team working its magic, but then again, a customer feels like a valued member of your brand’s community. Such small, sweet gestures might be the deciding factor when they go on a shopping trip the next time.

5 "Thank you" gifting ideas for the customer

You don’t have to go all extravagant here to show your appreciation; it could be something small and meaningful.


If a customer buys something from your store, you could add an engraved gift with their name and message that says Thank You. This is really going to bring a smile to their face.

Add an extra product

If you are a small business and the customer goes out of there and purchases a lot of your products, you could thank them by adding an extra product along with a handwritten note from the owner.

Sending them a birthday gift

Most companies, as a part of their loyalty and rewards program, send out annual gifts to their most loyal customers. This could be a custom-curated hamper or a pack of their best-selling gifts as an act of showing the customers that the company values them.

Coupons or voucher

If you aren’t able to send personal gifts, you can also give them a coupon or voucher that they can use to purchase from your store without any terms and conditions applied.

Chocolates or eatables

Another commonly gifted product is chocolates or similar snacks. You could create a hamper that best fit the theme of the season. For example, if it's winter, you could create a special winter hamper filled with hot chocolate sachets, marshmallows, and chocolates. Don’t forget to place a heartwarming note alongside it.

Final Thoughts

Business is all about building connections and meaningful relationships. Therefore, you need to have a strong and loyal bond with your customers to compel them to keep coming back to your brand for more of your products. Imagine this, your product is top-notch, and your customer service is also equally good. Will any customer ever leave your brand? No, right? That’s it, that’s what you should achieve, and a Thank you gift is one of the crucial steps that will help you reach that stage.

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Leah Reynolds

Leah Reynolds is an accomplished logistics professional and author, specializing in warehouse management and distribution operations. With hands-on experience in overseeing complex logistics networks, Leah understands the challenges faced by businesses in optimizing their warehousing and distribution processes. Leah is part of Shipixy Marketing team where she provides valuable insights into warehouse layout design, inventory control, order fulfillment, and implementing automation technologies to boost productivity and reduce costs to our audience.‍

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