The Complete Guide to Document Delivery - Services, Options, and Costs to Expect

Last Updated:
March 30, 2023
The Complete Guide to Document Delivery - Services, Options, and Costs to Expect
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The Complete Guide to Document Delivery - Services, Options, and Costs to Expect

Sending an important document via mail is always a nerve-wracking task. You are always scared of whether it will reach on time or might get lost during transit or freight. Well, this all can be avoided if you trust a known and established shipping agency for the same.

Here’s everything you need to know about safely sending your important documents to the right location with minimal delay:

The service you choose to send the document to the correct recipient depends on the following factor:

USPS Certified Mail

If you have a sensitive document that needs to be delivered, then USPS-certified mail is hands down the best.

If it's for personal use or for business purposes, you can opt for this option, wherein they provide you with proof of mailing and delivery. This ensures that your documents stay sealed throughout the entire delivery process and reach perfect condition.

Additionally, USPS has a feature called timestamp that is like a map that shows every crucial stopping point in the entire delivery process. It clearly states the post offices the document has been to. This information can be viewed online using the USPS-certified mail account and is available for viewing up to 10 years of the delivery date.

You can also request USPS to collect the recipient's signature upon receiving the documents. This is optional, and the company would anyway be sending you a notification of mail delivery. But this additional step can ensure the confidentiality part of the document delivery.

Priority Mail Express

Another secure service for document delivery is the USPS priority mail express service. The recipient will receive the package the next day or a maximum of two days. The expedited shipping process ensures that the document stays in transit for a short period, thereby reducing the chances of lost mail.

The priority mail also comes with insurance that has a value of up to $100. It also comes with proof of pickup and delivery along with the complete tracking option to know the status of your delivery.

However, it is the most expensive option for domestic delivery of documents and, therefore, might cost you a fortune if you are planning to send the documents in bulk.

First Class shipping option

The first-class mail comes with certified mail and returns receipts. You can send personal documents via this method as the document would reach in a maximum of 3 business days. However, for business purposes, while sending confidential documents, you might have to rope in some extra add-ons to ensure the security of the documents.

In this feature, USPS doesn’t provide any kind of insurance for the documents. With that said, this option is one of the cheapest methods to send documents domestically.

Priority Mail International

If you are not in a hurry, but what you value is the document and its contents, then priority mail international is an ideal option. It takes around 6 to 10 business days, depending on the location, and comes with a $100 insurance for the documents.

It's better to opt for insurance when you go for the priority mail international option as the delivery and transit time is longer, and there’s a high chance the document might get lost during transit.

The bright side is that you can get a flat rate shipping price for this option, and therefore, you won’t burn a hole in your pocket.

Final Thoughts

While choosing a service to send your important documents, make sure you take insurance for the same. No matter how short the duration is, there’s still a chance for the item to go missing during transit.

Further, always confirm with the carrier that any proof of delivery will be sent once the delivery is complete. This gives you peace of mind that the document is delivered in the right hands. Also, always opt for the add-on wherein the officials collect the recipient's signature.

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Emily Fletcher

Emily Fletcher is a renowned logistics expert and author, with over 15 years of experience in the industry. With a passion for optimizing supply chains and streamlining operations, Emily has helped numerous businesses achieve significant cost savings and improved efficiency. Her expertise lies in creating innovative logistics strategies tailored to the unique needs of each organization. As part of Shipixy’s Digital Marketing team, Emily provides practical insights and actionable advice to guide professionals in the logistics industry toward achieving operational excellence.

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