How to Ship Cookies

Last Updated:
January 20, 2023
How to Ship Cookies
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Ship cookies successfully: Choose sturdy types, separate flavors, use proper packaging, fill empty space, find reliable shipping service.
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How to Ship Cookies

If you love baking delectable cookies and are planning to start selling them online, you need to be first aware of how to ship cookies. As a business owner, you want your brand to have the best possible visibility along with steady growth. Offering shipping services to your customers helps with not only increasing the accessibility of customers to your products but also the popularity of your brand.

Bakers who want to grow their business far and wide often have one question - ‘ Can I send cookies overseas?’ Well, here’s some great news: you can ship cookies overseas! In fact, many businesses have been doing it successfully for many years.

So if you, too, want to start shipping your cookies domestically and internationally, let’s have a look at what you need to do:

Things to Keep in Mind While Shipping Cookies

Choose the Right Cookies for Shipping

Save the ‘crumbly, melt in the mouth’ cookies for store sales. When shipping cookies, the sturdier the cookie, the easier it will be for you to pack and ship it. Chewy, dense cookies and cookie bars are perfect for transport, as they would not crumble and break in transit.

Apart from this, you also need to avoid cookies with fillings of jam, cream, or ones with loads of sprinkling. The probability of these delicate cookies getting soggy and breaking down is high, and your cookies may not reach the customer in their prime form. Simply choose to ship out glazed or iced cookies that are powdered with sugar (to extend their shelf life) and make sure they are free of moisture before packing them.

You can even consider freezing cookies before packing them. This would ensure your customers receive them in optimal,ready-to-consume form when they arrive. If you cannot freeze the cookies, just make sure they are cool and dry before packing.

Pack Separate Flavors in Separate Packets

Certain cookies have strong flavors and are very aromatic (for example, chocolate or peppermint), and their fragrance and taste may rub off on other cookies. To avoid this from happening, it is advisable to separate flavors while packing the order. You can do this by packing each flavor of cookies in a plastic wrap in sets of two before you place them in the box.

Choose the Right Shipping Materials

Packaging is the most important aspect of shipping. Plastic wrap works perfectly well to segregate cookies of different flavors. You can also consider using zip-lock bags for the same. Pick a perfectly sized box (not too large, not too small) or a tin box. The cookies have to fit in the box snugly and should not have a lot of space to move around. If the container is much bigger than required, the cookies will end up crumbling due to impact during transit. A slightly bigger container works as small gaps can be filled with packing material once the cookies are placed in the box or jar.

At the bottom, first place some cushioning - it may be in any form, crumpled parchment paper, bubble wrap, or crinkle-cut paper shred. Once layered with cushioning material, you can now proceed to place the cookies in the box. Ensure that the larger, heavier cookies go first at the bottom. Top them off with the smaller cookies. To separate each cookie, you can also add a layer of wax or parchment paper - this would also double up as additional cushioning.

Now that your cookies are all in, fill in all the empty space (it shouldn't be much if you’ve picked the perfect-sized container). The empty space can be filled with the remaining packing material you used for cushioning the base before placing the cookies in - and you’re done!

Summing Up

Now that you’ve carefully packed your cookies, all that’s remaining is to find a reliable shipping service provider with expertise and experience in shipping delicate edible items like cookies. We hope these tips help you send out your cookies to different parts of the world and reach your customers in their perfect form!

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Emily Fletcher

Emily Fletcher is a renowned logistics expert and author, with over 15 years of experience in the industry. With a passion for optimizing supply chains and streamlining operations, Emily has helped numerous businesses achieve significant cost savings and improved efficiency. Her expertise lies in creating innovative logistics strategies tailored to the unique needs of each organization. As part of Shipixy’s Digital Marketing team, Emily provides practical insights and actionable advice to guide professionals in the logistics industry toward achieving operational excellence.

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